LP NATIONAL YOUTH LEADER SPITES FIRE OVER ATTEMPT TO ARREST PETER OBI The Labour Party National Youth Leader, Prince Kennedy Ahanotu has said that any attempt to unlawfully and illegally arrest Mr Peter Obi will truly and sincerely be an affront to Nigerian citizens who believes that a better Nigeria is POssible. According to a press release, Prince Ahanotu said that Peter Obi only wanted to transform Nigeria from Consumption to Production. “I am sure if the current government diligently consulted him, he shall avail them with the practical strategies that work. That is governance. Bayo and co should stop the blame game, he said. An excerpt is the full text of the press release; It has come to our knowledge a media release by one Bayo Onanuga who is unfoundedly calling for the arrest of Mr Peter Obi. It is important to state categorically clear that Mr Peter Obi is the most peaceful Nigerian politician alive today who, despite the manipulation of his clear electoral victory in the 2023 presidential election had asked his supporters who are mostly the youths of my generation not to engage in any form of protest or agitation. It must be noted that it could have only taken a statement from Peter Obi in that instance for Nigerians to flood that collation centre in Abuja to occupy. It must be recalled that it was in this same country that a former president made an inciting statement of making the country ungovernable if he was not elected; eventually, he was not elected and indeed people were massacred and yet that person was never arrested in 2011. It was also in this country that the current president incited his supporters in the last election to grab his political victory by all means, including fighting for it as power is not served in Alarcarte; of course, without recourse, we saw the compliance in lagos state and many other states where APC was thoroughly defeated by the Labour Party. Recall also that it was the current president who spearheaded a protest against the former government of President Jonathan. Many of them in government today participated in the oil subsidy protest in 2012. Why are they now afraid of protest? In fact, the current president, whom Onanuga is working for, is one of the grandfathers of protest in Nigeria starting from NADECO times. Given the stated background, it is clear that Mr Peter Obi is not and has not in any form or colour been found guilty of inciting the Nigerian people to engage in any form of protest starting from the build-up to the 2023 election to date. It must also be noted clearly that Peter Obi is a lawful citizen of Nigeria going about doing good and making impactful contributions towards national development. In recent times, he has provided support and basic amenities to many communities across the country as a private citizen, unlike many politicians who disappear after an election. I am aware that the name Mr Peter Obi is a torn in the flesh of status quo politicians who have refused to acknowledge a paradigm shift in the way things are done everywhere around the world where the masses are currently making political statements and proving that power belongs to the people. In the UK, people have shown their power. In Kenya, the citizens have made strong statements that are currently reshaping policies. Those who follow international politics will agree that there is a current revolutionary wave of demand for good governance across Africa and the world at large. At some point, the people of Burkina Faso celebrated a military takeover because of bad governance. No citizen of Nigeria will proudly say we have indeed progressed from where…


DETAILS OF BILL ON CREATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTORAL COMMISSION. BEFORE THE SENATE Details of the new bill proposed on the floor of the Senate on Thursday seeking to create an Independent Electoral body charged with the responsibility to conduct Local Government Council elections have finally emerged. The bill which was titled, “Local Government Independent Electoral Commission (Establishment) Bill, 2024 (SB. 531)”, was sponsored by the Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance, Sen. Mohammed Sani Musa, (APC, Niger-East). The bill stated in part: “To establish the National Independent Local Government Electoral Commission (NILGEC) responsible for conducting elections to the office of the Local Government Chairman and Councillors, and any other matter thereof to do with local government as a third tier of government. “The National Independent Local Government Electoral Commission (NILGEC) is hereby established as an autonomous body mandated to organize, oversee, and conduct elections for the offices of Local Government Chairman and Councillors across all states.” Also listed in the bill are the functions and powers of NILGEC which include conduct of free, fair, and transparent elections for Local Government Chairman and Councillors. The bill went on to state further as follows: “To prepare and maintain an accurate and up-to-date voter register. “To ensure voter education and public awareness regarding the electoral process. “To set and enforce electoral guidelines and regulations for Local Government elections. “To recruit and train electoral officers and staff for efficient election management. “To monitor and supervise all electoral activities and processes. “To investigate and adjudicate electoral disputes and grievances.” As proposed by this piece of legislation, NILGEC shall consist of a Chairperson and six Commissioners, to be appointed by the President with the confirmation of the Senate. It states, “The Chairperson and Commissioners shall serve for a term of five years, renewable once.” The bill also proposed independence and autonomy for NILGEC when it states that NILGEC shall operate independently, free from external influence and interference. “The Commission shall have its own budget, approved by the National Assembly, to ensure financial independence”, it states. Also considered is the electoral process and procedures when the bill states that NILGEC shall develop and implement procedures for voter registration, candidate nomination, and the conduct of elections. It stated, “NILGEC shall ensure the provision of necessary electoral materials and logistics for the smooth conduct of elections. “NILGEC shall announce the election schedule at least six months before the date of the election. “Elections for the offices of Local Government Chairman and Councillors shall be conducted every four years.” Electoral offenses and penalties were not left out in the proposed bill, it explained that NILGEC shall define and enforce penalties for electoral offenses, including but not limited to voter fraud, ballot stuffing, and electoral violence. “Offenders shall be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the laws of the land. “NILGEC shall collaborate with other relevant government agencies, security forces, and civil society organizations to ensure a secure and credible electoral process.“Upon the establishment of NILGEC, all powers and functions related to the conduct of Local Government elections previously vested in any other body or authority shall be transferred to NILGEC.”


WHY CATHOLICS USE IMAGES AT WORSHIP – CATHOLIC PRIEST An Online Interview With Rev. Fr. Vitus Nnadi Of The Diocesan Pilgrimage Centre Utuh, Nnewi South LGA, Anambra State, Nigeria IntroductionIn case you are meeting Fr Vitus Nnadi for the first time, he is a Catholic priest who doubles as a professional artist – mainly a sculptor but also a fine artist since he personally paints many of the sculptural works he churns out with his team. We had him do a brief tour of his art studio in this recent video. The video just cited generated some public reactions on social media. This interview is meant to give Fr Nnadi an opportunity to respond to some of the weightiest of those reactions. To give him an opportunity to think his answers through and provide rich detail, we collaborated with him on this Google Doc… Awake Digest: Father, our video of you showcasing your artwork while dressed in your priestly cassock went viral recently. A picture of you getting dirty at work also went viral with the video. Do you know this? Fr. Nnadi:Yes, someone called me to tell me before you did. It was also shared on our old boys WhatsApp platform. I realize you put voiceover on one of the videos and you combined them into one, making it beautiful with additions of your own. That’s good of you, although I’d rather have you not talk about the charity aspect as you did on one of the platforms where you shared the video. Charitable acts are not supposed to be made public based on the instructions the Lord gave at the Sermon on the Mountain. Awake Digest: The video got a lot of reactions which we’d like you to address little by little. For example, in Exodus 20 verse 3, it is written that God instructed the ancient Israelites as follows: “Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth” (Today’s English Version). You are a Catholic priest and the Catholic Church gave the world the Bible. So, people want to know, since you have made a career out of making sculptures that are mainly used as a part of worship in the Catholic Church, why do you do so apparently in disobedience of the Divine instructions on Exodus 20:3 as just quoted? Fr. Nnadi:Thank you for using the word ‘apparently’ to modify ‘disobedience’. The truth is that there is no disobedience here, it all depends on how you understand it. Let me start by referring to a source that we can all agree is neutral on the subject, that is, Wikipedia… You can access that link to enable you to get a more balanced view of the First Commandment. Meanwhile, I hereby basically run a commentary on that Wikipedia entry. I think it’s better to use such a neutral source because if I base my explanation on Catholic documents, non-Catholics out there might find it difficult to accept. And, if I use just the Bible, non-Christians out there might also not accept it. So, hoping you’re okay with this explanation, I go ahead. Here are excerpts from Wikipedia that we can dwell on shortly… As you can see, the lines you quoted from Exodus 20 verse 3 is an “abbreviated form” of the full command. That is the unanimous understanding over the centuries that the Wikipedia authors convey to us so categorically. Based on this therefore, the verse you quoted is still a part of the full Divine instruction. You didn’t include the last sentence of the remaining part as per the Wikipedia account. Until you include the last sentence of the command, it hasn’t made a comprehensive sense as…


AFAM OSIGWE WINS NBA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has elected Afam Osigwe as its new National President. Osigwe, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), emerged victorious in the 2024 NBA National Officers Election, polling 20,435 votes. He defeated his closest rival, Tobenna Erojikwe, who secured 10,998 votes, and Chukwuma Ikwuazom (SAN), who came third with 9,018 votes. Osigwe, a former NBA General Secretary, will succeed the outgoing president, Yakubu Maikyau (SAN). The voting which began on Saturday, ended at 11:59 pm. In other positions, Sabastine Anyia emerged as the 1st Vice-President with 12,114 votes, defeating Bartholomew Aguegbodo, who scored 6,864 votes. For the 2nd Vice-President position, Bolatumi Animashaun won with 26,534 votes, while his closest rival Pius Oiwoh, garnered 11,121 votes. Zainab Garba won the 3rd Vice-President position with 23,550 votes, while her closest rival, Michael Olorunmola, got 13,897 votes. Mobolaji Ojibara won the General Secretary position with 25,713 votes, defeating Abdulwasiu Alfa, who got 11,730 votes. Henry Ehi emerged as the Assistant General Secretary with 28,552 votes, while his closest rival Oluwaseun Aka, received 8,317 votes. Nyada Auta secured the Welfare Secretary position with 18,369 votes, defeating Oaikhena Osagie, who garnered 12,855 votes. Also, Blessing Udofa-Poromon won the Treasurer position with 17,998 votes, topping her closest rival, Mbamala Chukwuemeka, who got 9,825 votes. For the Publicity Secretary position, Bridget Edokwe won with 19,542 votes, defeating Charles Ajiboye, who scored 10,989 votes.Ebiere Ekpese was declared winner of the Assistant Publicity Secretary position with 26,955 votes, defeating Lawrence Ayewa, who garnered 9,690 votes


30 CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES IN KADUNA SOUTH TRAPPED IN MODERN SERFDOM BY ARMED TERRORISTS No fewer than 30 Christian communities in Kachia county, 80 miles South of Kaduna metropolis, are trapped in a humiliating form of modern serfdom by armed terrorists, according to victims speaking exclusively to TruthNigeria. The bandit gangs in Kachia extract biannual fees from residents cultivating their own plots in Kaduna’s rich forest-savannah, in parallel to the serfdom widely evident in Europe 1,000 years ago. Temporary respite from humanitarian aid group The kidnap-for-ransom gangs originating in Zamfara State began to raid approximately dozens of villages near Kachia town in 2000, local people said. In 2022, the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) took relief material to thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Kachia county after most of the communities fled their homes to seek refuge in Kachia town, some 40 miles west of the areas displaced by armed bandits. “We were in Kachia for almost one year with our wives, children and old ones, and no one came with any form of assistance until SOKAPU came in July 2022,” said Solomon Ali, 52, of Gidan Ali, Akwa ward, Kachia county who is also a youth leader in his village. SOKAPU had in 2022 secured funds from Christians Solidarity International (CSI) to assist IDPs in seven counties of Southern Kaduna. Starvation and unemployment forced some women to turn to prostitution, according to Ali. “What SOKAPU brought was not enough to feed us sustainably, and that led some of our youths and women into wayward lives just to bring food to the table,” he said in Hausa language, the common language spoken in Northern Nigeria. “The humiliation, hunger and hopelessness were too much, so we decided that it was better to return to our ancestral villages and die with dignity than perish in Kachia town like landless wanderers,” he told Truth Nigeria in Kachia, Thursday. Most of the IDPs returned in October 2022, Ali said. He gave their numbers as 7,5000 from about 30 Christian communities. Signing a humiliating agreementWhen they returned, armed bandits raided five communities and kidnapped 50 people, mostly women and children in December 2022, Ali said further. “They said that if we were to report the incident to either the soldiers or police, that we should forget seeing the hostages, their representative spoke to us on phone,” he said. “All they wanted is that we should allow them to pass through our villages without alerting the military. And that we must not resist when they come to pick anything that they want from us” he said. Most of the communities are in rugged terrain and hours away from any military base, according to the locals. The bandits also placed a tax of N100,000 (US$67 dollars) per every male adult before and after each farming season. “They (villagers) had no option but to agree to the proposal of the terrorists who are Muslims of the Fulani tribe,” Ali said. “Their kidnapped relations were then released without ransom payments, even though some of the women had been raped by the bandits,” he went on to say. “I am limping today, not because I had an accident or that I was born like this,” Solomon Ali said in an unsteady voice. According to him, he was arrested by soldiers in October 2023 in Kachia town after he bought a carton of sachet soda drinks which his wife sells in Gidan Ali, a village of about 80 homes bounded by hills. He told TruthNigeria that the soldiers accused him of supplying refreshments to kidnappers. Ali added that he was blind-folded and taken to a detention facility where he was tortured to extract confession. “As a Christian, I said I would rather die than…


BAYERO MAKES FIRST OFFICIAL TRIP OUTSIDE MINI PALACE The 15th Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, attended the annual peace prayer for the nation organised by the Isyaku Rabiu family, on Saturday. The Holy Qur’an is usually recited up to 3000 times within the first Islamic month to pray for peace, prosperity and progress of the country. The 15th Emir witnessed the last day of the prayers for the year. The 15th Emir had moved in a procession from the Nassarawa mini palace to the Isyaku Rabiu mosque at Goron Dutse and the same back home. This is the first official outing of the embattled Emir since his return to Kano and settling at the Nassarawa mini palace.Similarly the 16th Emir, Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi. has had his first official outing from the Gidan Rumfa palace to the state Government House two days ago where he met with the newly appointed second class Emirs of Gaya, Rano and Karaye.


TINUBU’S MINISTER BACKING TERRORISM IN NORTHWEST – BANDITS LEADER Bello Turji Kachalla, a notorious bandits leader operating in northwest Nigeria, has accused the Minister of State for Defence, Bello Matawalle, of complicity in supporting terrorism in the country. In a recently released video, Turji alleged that the current security issues in Nigeria are backed by Matawalle, who is the immediate past governor of Zamfara state. Turji, who has led several violent attacks including a massacre of over 200 people in Zamfara State, claimed to have evidence supporting his accusations. Speaking in Hausa, Turji stated, “The issue of insecurity plaguing our country has the full backing of the immediate past Government of Zamfara State. “I have evidence to support this claim. The past government, under His Excellency Bello Mattawallen Maradun (State Minister of Defence), is well-known to everyone in the region.” Turji asserted that the former Zamfara government facilitated negotiations with bandits but also sabotaged efforts for peace. He accused several individuals from the Shinkafi, Zurmi, and Issah communities of being complicit and mentioned specific names such as Kabiru Maniya and Bashari Maniya, alleging their involvement in harbouring weapons and coordinating attacks. He further alleged that some ‘repentant’ bandits were living freely in Sokoto state while still possessing a significant number of weapons. Turji claimed that these individuals, despite their supposed cooperation with government forces, continued to facilitate attacks by advising security forces to vacate certain areas. “The government should explain this to Nigerians and stop accusing Bello Turji of killing and kidnapping people. “Those being kidnapped around Sokoto, Achida, and Goronyo—who is kidnapping them? Turji, is currently living peacefully in Shinkafi, is not responsible.“Let the government come out and take responsibility for some of the atrocities being committed and stop falsely accusing others,” he added.


HOW TINUBU, BUHARI ORDERED ME TO JOIN APC – NDUME Borno South Senator Ali Ndume has recounted how former President Muhammadu Buhari and President Bola Tinubu ordered him to join the All Progressives Congress (APC) some years ago. Mr Ndume, a member of the APC, disclosed this in a viral video posted by Channels Television on Friday. He was removed as Senate Chief Whip on Wednesday following a letter from Abdullahi Ganduje, the APC national chairman and Basiru Ajibola, the party’s national secretary. In the letter, the APC leaders referenced an interview Mr Ndume granted in which he criticised the Bola Tinubu administration and subsequently recommended that the Senate should relieve him of his position. The APC leaders also advised Mr Ndume to quit the party and join the opposition. Responding to the advice, Mr Ndume said he was a founding member of the ruling party and had been a member before Mr Ganduje joined. He explained that he and 21 other senators allied to establish the APC. The senator, a member of the then-ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), said Messrs Buhari and Tinubu ordered him to sign a document inside the Imo State Lodge that he would be a member of the APC. “I am a founding member of APC. In fact, I can say I was in APC before the national chairman because I am a member of the PDP that formed the APC, and I did not do just like that; it is in consultation with my people that I joined APC. “We were the 22 senators that joined to form the APC. We were called nPDP then and if you check history and look at the list of the senators, my name is number 21 out of 22. That was because I initially did not want to join APC because of some people that are in the coalition, but I was ordered by Buhari and current president Tinubu to sign to join the APC in the Imo government lodge. “And it was Rochas Okorocha who was hosting us that was sent to summon me to Imo government lodge where Buhari came with the list and asked me to sign. Tinubu was sitting there; I was sitting there; only the three of us were called aside to sign,” he explained. Mr Ndume, however, said he would consult with his people about quitting the party before taking the final decision. “So I am not a new member. I did not join the APC just like that; it was in consultations with my people that I joined APC. I take his advice and I will get across to my people. I am here in Maiduguri as you know, because I am bereaved, and I did not issue an immediate statement because I did not want to show or overreact to what has happened” he said. I was begged to accept chief whip position In the video, Mr Ndume also said some people begged him to accept the position of the Senate Chief Whip because he successfully led the campaign that brought Godswill Akpabio as the senate president. He added that he was also allowed to choose whichever committee he preferred to be vice chairman of, and he chose the appropriation committee. “Still, the appropriation committee was given to me not because I was desperate about it; no, it was because I was begged to accept the position of Chief Whip, knowing fully that I led the campaign for the emergence of Akpabio as the senate president and I was begged to choose whichever committee I want to be the vice chairman and I choose appropriation in order to stand for my people and make sure that there is justice in whatever they…


PHILIP SHAIBU DUMPS PDP FOR APC, KNEELS FOR OSHIOMHOLE The reinstated Deputy Governor of Edo State, Comrade Phillip Shaibu, has officially dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The embattled Deputy Governor dumped the main opposition party at a campaign rally held on Saturday in the state. Shaibu, at the rally, declared his official return to the All Progressives Congress (APC). He was received into the party by the APC’s governorship candidate, Senator Monday Okpebholo and his running mate, Dennis Idahosa. The reinstated Deputy Governor also used the defection rally to reunite with his political godfather, a former Edo State Governor and APC National Chairman, Senator Adams Oshiomhole. Speaking on his defection in a post on Facebook, Shaibu said: “It is a triumphant homecoming for me, as I officially return to the All Progressives Congress (APC), the party where I am accepted, valued, and welcomed with open arms. “The party holds a special place in my heart, and where I have shared countless memories. “I am grateful to be back among the people and community that have always supported me, and to reunite with my political family.” Recall that a Federal High Court in Abuja had nullified Shaibu’s impeachment on charges of gross misconduct by the Edo State House of Assembly. In a recent interview on Arise TV’s Morning Show, Shaibu asserted that he is an unofficial member of the APC. Shaibu said his spirit had left the PDP, stressing that the only thing still keeping him in the party was because he was yet to dump the party officially. Giving reasons for supporting the APC governorship candidate in Edo state, he said, “In PDP now, everybody can support whoever they like. On the issue of supporting a candidate, the constitution guarantees that you can support who you like and you can belong to any political party.”Speaking further, Shaibu stated that since the political crisis in the state started, he had called his principal, Governor Godwin Obaseki, 101 times without the governor picking up his calls or returning them.


NO GOING BACK ON PLANNED PROTEST ON #ENDBADGOVERNANCEINNIGERIA – AREWA YOUTHS The Arewa Youth Ambassadors, a northern group, has vowed to continue with the planned protest scheduled to commence on August 1, aimed at expressing its dissatisfaction with President Bola Tinubu’s anti-people policies. The group also debunked the rumours making the rounds that it had shelved the mass action saying the information was false and misleading just as it called on Nigerians to ignore it. This was disclosed in a statement signed by the National Coordinator, Yahaya M. Abdullahi in Abuja on Saturday. The statement read “The narrative making the rounds that the Arewa Youth Ambassadors had shelved its planned protest aimed at expressing its dissatisfaction with President Tinubu’s anti-people policies is at best false and at worst misleading. “Let’s be categorical, there is no going back on our words, as the protest is scheduled for 1st August, 2024. Everywhere in the world, people make government, not the other way round. But why should the government brought about by the people in Nigeria be only for those in the corridors of its power? “If the President Tinubu-led government is for Nigerians as a whole, why on earth the false pretences? It’s so sad and pathetic that sufferings have become unspeakable and pervasive, while the power that is keeps on looking the other way. “We wish to make it clear that the protest becomes necessary considering the insecurity that spirals upward coupled with incessant food and fuel crisis, unemployment and high cost of living bedevilling our region in particular and the country in general. “Arewa Youth Ambassadors state beyond any doubt that the protest will happen on the slated date unless the government reverses its policies that have given rise to gruesome hunger and multidimensional poverty in the land. “Is Nigeria not even on the brink of revolution? Perhaps if anything has failed to strike a cord for its outbreak, President Tinubu’s starvation scheme surely will. Because Nigerians would rather be killed on the streets by the security forces being paid through their taxes than be laid to death by hunger in their homes, and maybe on or in their beds. And, you know, hunger knows no bounds.”Therefore, as a group of peaceful citizens, we are left with no option than to protest the anti-masses tendencies that President Tinubu-led government continues to introduce on daily basis.”