Eight years after the tragic massacre of April 25, 2016, which claimed the lives of at least 40 individuals in Nimbo, Enugu State, Mohamed Zurai, the sole individual convicted for the mass murder, has come forward to confess his involvement in the crime.
However, he maintains that his role was limited to recording the killings on video and denies any direct participation in the violence.
Zurai, a herdsman, disclosed during an undercover operation at the Enugu Correctional Center, where he awaits execution, that the Nimbo massacre was allegedly in retaliation for the beheading of an Alhaji in the Enugu community.
He was sentenced to death by Justice Anthony Onovo of the Nsukka Division of Enugu State High Court on May 17, 2023.
Zurai was among five suspects charged with murder for their alleged involvement in the Nimbo massacre.
During the trial, Zurai was identified as the prime suspect after his cell phone was discovered to have recorded the killings.
Despite his confession to filming the violence, he denies any active participation in the murders.
Zurai claims that his life is now in danger, alleging that individuals have been offered money to silence him and prevent him from revealing further details about the massacre.
He expressed bewilderment over his conviction while his co-defendants were acquitted.
In a plea for assistance, Zurai requested contact information from the reporter to seek legal representation for appealing his death sentence.He remains incarcerated, awaiting his fate, while questioning the fairness of his conviction compared to the treatment of his co-accused.