OHANAEZE NDIGBO LAMPOONS BAYO ONANUGA OVER PROTEST ALLEGATION ON PETER OBI Ohanaeze Ndigbo has reduced President Bola Tinubu’s Special Adviser on information and strategy, Chief Bayo Onanuga’s allegation on Mr. Peter Obi as Igbophobic, deep-seated hate for a Nigeria tribe and an act of uncouth repugnancy. Onanuga had alleged that Peter Obi, the 2023 Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, was responsible for the rumoured nationwide protest plot by Nigeria citizens from the month of August. Ohanaeze Ndigbo therefore recalled that Onanugu’s allegation against Peter Obi was not the first time he showed his deep hatred for Ndigbo, recalling that the president’s aide had during last year’s presidential election also made an unapologetic ethnic slur against the Igbo. Ohanaeze spokesman, Dr. Chiedozie Ogbonnia, in a statement made available in Enugu, on Monday, said that Onanugu confirmed himself as a “true to type” and one who is viewed in bizarre dispositions towards anything Igbo as unthoughtful, loathsome, cantankerous, uncouth, repugnant, inflammable and full of deep-seated hate. Ohanaeze informed Onanuga that Nigerians of all persuasions, North, South, East and West were in pains of diverse forms: excruciating hardships, poverty, Naira downward spiral, incessant kidnappings, banditry, farmers-herdsmen conflict, most terrifying insecurity, joblessness, rising food prices and cost of living challenges. And that the prevailing hardship in Nigeria is blind to ethnicity. “It is necessary to inform Onanuga that this is a time for the Presidency to initiate policies, programmes, activities and a body language that will appeal to or assuage the downtrodden, dispossessed, oppressed, the deprived, including Obidients. “And to also inform the Onanugas that issuing threats to masses, the hungry and angry, the vulnerable and indeed those who no longer fear any fall is the most inconceivable line of action for any government in a fragile society. In other words, instead of broadening the minds to creative thinking and welfare programs for the masses, the Onanugas are chasing rat when the house is on fire,” said Ogbonnia. He reiterated that Ohanaeze Ndigbo had earlier this year asked all Igbo not to participate in any protest against the administration of President Bola Tinubu because anything involving Ndigbo have always been treated negatively different from other tribes in Nigeria. “When youths from other tribes of the country are involved, they are reprimanded and forgiven; but when the Igbo youths are involved they are arrested, incarcerated and even charged for serious offences. For example, the arrest and detention of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu generated a lot of problems for the Igbos” amongst others. “Emphatically, the current hardship in Nigeria is the comeuppance of Igbophobia. It is an unavoidable outcome of an orchestrated injustice, marginalization, callous conspiracies, corporate shenanigans and ethnic bigotry against the Igbo. “Ohanaeze Ndigbo stands on a firm wicket based on reason, history and experience, to state that there can never be peace, progress and national development when there is a deliberate government policy of injustice, tantrums and brimstones against a vibrant, capacious, resourceful, resilient and populous ethnic group such as the Igbo.” Ogbonnia recalled that former President Olusegun Obasanjo had condemned the persistent aversion to the people of southeastern extraction, which Obasanjo described as Igbophobia. “Obasanjo added that unless Nigeria throws its doors open to merit and full inclusion of the Igbo in national affairs, the country will continue to flounder and grope in the dark.“Finally, the Igbo are once again requested not to join the forthcoming nationwide protest. When President Muhammadu Buhari appointed about 15 service Chiefs in Nigeria and Igbo was secluded, did the lopsided policy abate the security situation in Nigeria? And have we died? And many more…?”


AUGUST 1: ANYONE KICKING AGAINST PROTEST IS YOUR ENEMY – WORKERS TELL NIGERIANS Nigerian workers under the aegis of All Workers Convergence (AWC) have declared that anyone who is kicking against the planned protest against hunger in the country is an enemy of the people. AWC made this declaration via a statement signed by its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze and made available to DAILY POST on Monday. A planned protest across the country has been fixed to start on 1st August. Some individuals and groups have been kicking against the planned protest. The AWC, in its reaction, described protest against bad governance, hunger and insecurity as a legitimate right of the people. The workers’ group maintained that anyone who is kicking against the planned protest is an enemy of the people. According to the group, the protest became necessary in view of the challenges Nigerians are currently passing through at this period. It noted that the protest is a revolt against hunger and a rebellion against hardship. The statement read, “We have been calling for protest and we shall continue to call for protest until the system works for the public good. We are in full support of calls by Nigerians for massive protest inorder to end hunger, hardship and bad governance in Nigeria. “In a situation like ours in Nigeria, protest becomes a collective duty. It is however, antisocial not to participate in protest. “Our people have lost hope in the system. All our able-bodied citizens are either leaving or planning to leave the country. Our people are being daily strangled by bad governance. Our government keep telling us the same old story. “While the mass majority of our people pass through hardship, our rulers and a very few are immersed in unimaginable wealth and wastage of national resources. “We will not sit down and continue to see things get worse by the day. Our leaders have been making mockery of governance and certainly we cannot continue like this. “Governance under Tinubu has brought untold hardship to our people. Everything is now upside down. It appears governance under President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has collapsed. “We the Nigerian workers support the call for national protest against hunger and bad governance. Protest everywhere is a fundamental human rights. Protest everywhere is lawful. Protest is not a crime. Protest is a duty of all citizens. We shall protest, no going back. We salute the courage of our people as we all continue to mobilise for actions towards the the day. “This protest is a revolt against hunger and a rebellion against hardship. Our people are only trying to resist deprivation. This is a revolution towards the genuine transformation of Nigeria. “Our people have suffered enough. Our people have made up their minds to arrest the situation. We are going ahead with the planned protest.“Anybody against this call for protest is an enemy of the people. It is time to emancipate Nigeria from corruption, bad governance and exploitation. We call for synergy among all the organisers of this protest. We shall overcome. No retreat no surrender.”


RIVERS COURT EXTENDS INTERIM ORDER AGAINST PRO-WIKE LAWMAKERS The High Court in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, has prolonged an interim order originally issued on July 8. This order prevents the Chief Judge and the Clerk of the Rivers State House of Assembly from engaging with the House of Assembly led by Martins Amaewhule. According to report from the nation, Governor Siminialayi Fubara, aiming to thwart any impeachment attempts by the Amaewhule-led Assembly, obtained the interim order through a lawsuit filed with the Attorney-General of Rivers State against Amaewhule and 26 other lawmakers. The lawsuit also names lawmakers led by Victor Oko-Jumbo, the Chief Judge, the Clerk of the Rivers State House of Assembly, and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as defendants. Presiding over the case, Justice Jumbo Stephens, in the July 8 order, instructed all parties involved to maintain the current state of affairs until the court rules on the motion for an interlocutory injunction. The court specifically restrained the Chief Judge and Clerk from interacting with the 27 defendants and from acting on any resolutions or documents from them until the motion on notice is decided. The court also mandated that the originating and other legal documents be served to the 30 defendants by pasting them at the gate of the Rivers State House of Assembly quarters on Aba Road. On July 19, Justice Stephens renewed the interim order, citing numerous applications, particularly concerning the legal representation of the Clerk and the PDP. The court considered the counter-affidavit filed by Amaewhule and the other lawmakers in opposition to the claimants’ motion for an interlocutory injunction.Justice Stephens stated that the extension of the interim orders is to ensure justice and uphold the court’s dignity. The interim orders are extended until the court determines the motion on notice and other pending applications. The judge has scheduled the next hearing for October 14 to address the legal representation issues and other matters.


WILL TINUBU SURVIVE THE LOOMING ANARCHY?, BY ERASMUS IKHIDE Disillusioned Nigerian masses feeling the pang of economic crunch occasioned by President Bola Amhed Tinubu’s wrongheaded economic blueprints and fuel subsidy removal are already throwing spit into the air and collecting it with their face over the looming hunger protest slated for August 1st to 10th next week. Here are the conundrum: will President Tinubu survive the protest from the benefit of hindsight, having been forewarned of the impending doom? Can he starve off the nation’s wrath for his bad vices through strategic politicking and empathy? We shall come back to that later. Before Tinubu’s Presidency, Nigeria’s economic woes has remained a complex and multifaceted one, buoyed by yester-years of primitive economic policies which included but not limited to over-reliance on oil exports. Nigeria’s economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices. Second is corruption. Widespread corruption has hindered economic growth, discouraged investment, and led to a lack of trust in institutions. Third is poor infrastructure. Inadequate infrastructure, such as roads, power supply, and transportation, hinders economic activity and increases costs. Fourth is Insecurity. Security challenges, including Boko Haram and banditry, have disrupted economic activity, discouraged investment, and led to humanitarian crises. Fift is political instability. Political uncertainty and instability have created an unfavorable business environment. Sixth is lack of economic diversification. Nigeria’s economy remains largely undiversified, making it vulnerable to external shocks. Seventh is high inflation: Persistent high inflation has eroded purchasing power and reduced the standard of living. Eight is unemployment. High unemployment rates, especially among youth, have contributed to social unrest and economic stagnation. Nineth is dependence on imports. Nigeria’s reliance on imported goods has led to a significant trade deficit and depleted foreign exchange reserves. Tenth is climate change. Climate-related shocks, such as droughts and floods, have impacted agricultural productivity and food security. The eleventh reason Nigeria economy is going through turbulence is weak institutions. Ineffective institutions, including the judiciary and regulatory bodies, have hindered economic growth and development. The twelveth reason is demographic challenges. Rapid population growth and urbanization have put pressure on the decaying infrastructure, services, and resources. Back to the issue of stagnation and economy degradation which President Tinubu inherited and further sunk abysmally without redemption. First, I do not want to believe that President Tinubu can’t address these interconnected challenges with a comprehensive and sustained effort by his policymakers, business leaders, and civil society to promote economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve living standards in Nigeria. As Senator Ali Ndume puts it, his handlers are foggy his vision not see through the facades of falsehoods he is being field with. Asides the fundamental foundation crises plaguing this nation, President Tinubu’s antideluvia strategists fanning the flames ethic violence – blaming everyone else other than themselves – are some of the thousand and one reasons the nationwide hunger protest most hold, albeit peacefully. Whether his administration survives it or not is another matter, altogether. From all available indices, it is less likely that Tinubu’s government would survive the coming anarchy. That Tinubu is unfeeling; asphyxiating, unemphatic and his outright boorishness, with his on-your-face impudent is a straightforward indication his government has crossed the rubicon. Tinubu’s life time ambition is to govern Nigeria at all costs and by all means, and he got it. He should pursue the course of his governance to a logical conclusion. After all, Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher’s eternal counsel urge all to “perish in the pursuit of your goal as there’s know no higher life-purpose than to perish in pursuit of something great and impossible”.Erasmus Ikhide contributed this piece via: ikhideluckyerasmus@gmail.com


VP KAMALA HARRIS’ ODD INCREASES AFTER BIDEN’S WITHDRAWAL Donald Trump’s chances of winning the presidency are currently at -156 after Joe Biden’s withdrawal, indicating a 61% probability of him becoming the next president in November. This reflects a slight decrease from the previous day when the president’s odds were at 64%, showcasing some uncertainty as Democrats consider alternative candidates. In contrast, Biden’s likelihood of winning dropped to nearly zero, as stated on PredictIt. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, his Vice President, has seen her odds increase to +163. This is a significant rise from +900 just days ago on July 16 and even more so from June when her chances were at a much lower +2400, prior to Biden’s poor debate showing. This means oddsmakers have pegged her as being 12 times more likely at pulling of a win as she was a month ago, when handicappers saw Biden’s odds as around 50-50. That statistic has since halved six times over, as the election rapidly approaches. As it does, other figures have some surprising odds as well, from California’s Gavin Newsom to former First Lady Michelle Obama. Donald Trump’s odds to win the Oval Office are now at -178 after Joe Biden’s decision to drop out – meaning oddsmakers view him as being 62 percent likely to serve as the next president It stood as a a slight dip from a day ago when the president’s odds were pegged at 64 percent, suggesting some uncertainty as Democrats mull a replacement for the newly bowed out Biden While not the most reliable of information aggregators due to journalists and political staffers being disallowed from casting, the site and its odds marker is widely considered an effective and reliable measure of predicting elections. It is also the only presidential odds market that has a federal exemption for research reasons – as such markets, strictly speaking, are not exactly legal. But despite repeated attempts to upend it by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), this one is – and now shows Trump comfortably leading despite a small slip-up seemingly triggered by Biden’s decision to bow out. He started the day with a line of -178, now down to -156. Harris, meanwhile, started last week as a long-shot with 10-1 odds, even as many pegged her as the apparent replacement as many called on Biden to drop out. This prospect took a step closer to becoming a reality almost immediately Sunday, after her old running mate took to X to make the highly anticipated announcement. Within seconds, her chances spiked by nine percent, after already improving by some 17 percent over the course of last week. The next-most dramatic shift was sported by Biden, whose stock slipped from +567 to nearly 100-1 again in seconds, after sloping down from 48 percent since his debate last month. Most likely replacement Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice president, saw her odds rise drastically to +178 – up from the +900 seen just days ago This means oddsmakers have pegged her as being 12 times more likely at pulling of a win as she was a month ago, when handicappers saw Biden’s odds as around 50-50. That statistic has since halved six times over. As the election looms, others had some surprising odds as well Despite confirming in his statement he would be ‘stand[ing] down,’ PredictIt sitll pegged him as having a small, 1 percent chance of somehow still snagging the Democratic nomination. This comes ahead of the highly anticipated Democratic Convention, where, for the first time in decades, a candidate will likely be chosen by delegate votes just ahead of the event. This concept, however, failed too see other candidates experience a surge in their odds as well, as Biden put to bed…


EX-MINISTER BERATES PRESIDENTIAL AIDE, ONANUGA, OVER STATEMENT ON NATIONWIDE PROTEST Nigeria’s former Minister of Sports and Youth Development, Solomon Dalung has said that President Bola Tinubu and his ‘locust cabal’ love only the wealth of Nigeria. Dalung also berated Bayo Onanuga, a presidential spokesperson, for claiming that the proposed nationwide protest against bad governance is meant to destabilize the country. The former Minister in a post on his X handle on Saturday said that Onanuga’s statement was not only uncharitable but wicked. According to him, “the generation of Nigerians demanding for good governance, accountability and justice are more entitled to Nigeria than the group of scavengers occupying power.” Dalung insisted that the proposed protest is sacrosanct, saying it is to demand accountability from those who are destroying Nigeria’s common heritage. His words: “Make no mistake about it, we love our country but @officialABAT and his locust cabal love only the wealth of Nigeria. “The protests are to demand for accountability from those who are destroying our common heritage. Nigerians have nowhere to go but @officialABAT has France, while others have Europe, Canada and USA. “Therefore @aonanuga1956 calling out Nigerians as those planning to destabilize Nigeria is not only uncharitable but wicked. “The generation of Nigerians demanding for good governance, accountability and justice are more entitled to Nigeria than the group of scavengers occupying power. Take it to the bank, the protests are sacrosanct. “Deploying antics of divide and rule will not only fail but antiquitated. The only antidote to the protests is for @officialABAT and his cult of plunderers to surrender to the demands of the people.“The fear of the protests degenerating into anarchy is evil imaginations of your mind calculated at abating holding the government responsible. All we are demanding is good governance, which is not too much.”


TO THOSE WHO SPREAD FALSEHOODS ABOUT ME, I HOLD NO MALICE – PETER OBI The 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, on Sunday, declared that he holds no grudges against those spreading lies and falsehoods about him. Obi, in a personally signed statement released via his X account, said he understands that those spreading lies about him are doing the bidding of their masters, but urged them to, instead of spreading lies about him, channel their energies towards helping Nigerians who are suffering due to the unfriendly economy. The former Anambra State Governor submitted that his political journey has not been rooted in any personal gain, but the principle of genuine love for the people. The declaration by Obi follows a recent allegation by the special adviser to President Bola Tinubu on information and strategy, Bayo Onanuga, who accused Obi of being behind a planned protest by some Nigerians against the government. The LP presidential candidate, however, said rather than fabricating and spreading lies about him, it is better to pay attention to the plight of the citizens who are crying out due to the hardship in the country. “Today, after mass service, personal thanksgiving prayers, and reflection on the blessings of my birthday, I am filled with immense gratitude. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all who have sent me good wishes and supported me over the years. “Your encouragement strengthens my resolve to work towards a better society for all, especially the less privileged. “To those who have chosen to spread falsehoods and lies about me for their own gain or at the bidding of their paymasters, I am equally grateful to you. I urge you to channel your energy and resources towards helping everyday Nigerians who are struggling to find their next meal, secure education for their children, gain employment, and access adequate healthcare. The future of our nation depends on addressing these urgent needs, not on perpetuating deceit and lies. “My political journey has never been about desperation or personal gain. It is rooted in principles and a genuine care for the people. Rather than fabricating lies, you and your paymasters should listen to the cries of the poor, who cannot afford medicine and who are uncertain about their next meal. “Pay attention to the voices of reason from individuals and institutions that emphasize the plight of our citizens. Let us unite in building a nation where everyone can thrive.“To those who spread falsehoods, I hold no malice. Instead, I pray for the blessings of God upon you and your families. May we all work together for the prosperous new Nigeria that is now a clear POssibility ! -PO” Obi wrote.


ACTIVISTS’ ARREST: NO GOING BACK ON PLANNED PROTEST – NIGERIAN YOUTHS Amid the arrest of some activists by operatives of the Department of State Service, DSS, Nigerian youths have vowed to remain resolute and protest an end to “bad governance” in the country. Operatives of the DSS allegedly arrested some activists over their involvement in the planned protest. According to reports, Bashir Abubakar was arrested by the DSS for advertising T-shirts he made for the planned protest. Also, another activist, according to Omoyele Sowore, was remanded at a correctional facility in Kano State for posting about the protest. It will be recalled that in a lengthy tweet published on his X account on Saturday, the Special Adviser to the President on Information and Strategy, Bayo Onanuga, warned against staging a protest against the federal government. Onanuga, on the other hand, proposed a Save Nigeria Rally from August 1–15, 2024, in response to preparations for statewide protest on August 1–10 over growing cost of living and economic hardship. However, in several social media statements, youths promised to stage the planned protest, noting that arrest and intimidation would not deter them or make them change course. Reacting to the news of the arrests of the activists, Bello Aminu said, “We shouldn’t be scared of their apprehension. Let’s continue to sacrifice our lives for others to live. We are not here in the world forever. “Protest is a lawful procession. Therefore, we shouldn’t panic.” Ben Samuel mentioned that “peaceful protest is a legal right. Many of them are suffering from the ongoing hardship but remain silent.” Adewale Damilare mentioned that “people advising Tinubu should stop pushing him into the bush. This singular act can even trigger the planned protest before the scheduled date. He has enough time to pacify the masses, but I guess his pride will not allow him to listen to the voice of reasoning.” Sunny Alexis, in his reaction, stated that the planned protest must go on regardless of the threats and intimidation from security personnel. “If they want to arrest everyone of us, there are no problems because we are not slaves and we must stand for our rights. These people have done enough,” he said. Other reactions include; Apostle Timothy, “So someone can’t show his hand again. I wonder if we all are not Nigerian citizens; they can’t use this strength and power they have to arrest common Yahaya Bello. When it reaches the poor man, they will show they have power and strength. I feel shameful for this firm.” Oluwatoyin Dunmade, “DSS release Abubakar now. Don’t think you can silence the people. Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Nigerians are ready and more than ready to take their destiny into their own hands.” Yemie, “But if you lead responsibility and get police and security involved for us to have a peaceful protest where no life will be lost but just to show the government what we are going through, instead you want to lead arrogantly, and yes, we are always victims because we have no voice.” Mr. Nice Guy, “Nigerians should not be oppressed or intimidated by this evil government, which enjoyed the same during the Jonathan era. Everyone must rise. Enough is enough; no one owns this country. Revolution Now.” Samson: “I’m so pissed to be called a Nigerian, as the people supporting this failed government are also known as Nigerians. “If this protest doesn’t hold and those useless politicians are still there parading arrogantly about it, I will denounce this country just like Simon Ekpa did.”Don Teddy “My advice is that we should be very prepared. Prepare for any eventualities, ranging from shooting tear gas to live bullets. The directors…


DAMATUTU YOUTHS VANDALIZE TINUBU’S BILLBOARD Youths in Damaturu, Yobe State, have vandalised a billboard erected to welcome President Bola Tinubu to the state for the launch of the Yobe State Agricultural Empowerment Programme. On Saturday, July 20, Vice President Kashim Shettima represented President Ginubu at the launch of the programmed in Damaturu. However, after the launch, youths in the state were filmed climbing the billboard welcoming President Tinubu to the state. The billboard had photos of President Tinubu and Vice President Shettima with the words, “Thank you Mr President. Have a safe trip.” The youths vandalised the billboards and tore out the banner with the welcome message.


FUEL SUBSIDY: A TRAP SET FOR TINUBU BY NORTHERN LEADERS, AND HE FELL FOR IT – ALAKWE A former West Africa Coordinator of the defunct National Support for Jonathan/Sambo Presidency, Mr Nwachukwu Tobinson Alakwe has said that the abrupt and unilateral removal of fuel subsidies marks the onset of an economic crisis in Nigeria. He claimed that this decision was a deliberate ploy by Northern leaders to destabilize President Tinubu’s administration, as former President Buhari had strategically removed fuel subsidies from the 2023 budget that took effect in June, just after he left office on May 29. Alakwe suggested that the Northern leaders were aware of the Dangote Refinery’s delayed operations, which would exacerbate the economic hardships faced by the country. He criticized the lack of contingency plans and measures by President Tinubu, to mitigate the adverse effects of the subsidy removal, asserting that this failure has led to widespread problems. He expressed doubt about the government’s ability to enact rapid and visible solutions, particularly in addressing the food crisis, unless the Dangote Refinery becomes operational in the near future. He said, “The sudden and non-consultation before the removal of fuel subsidy is the beginning of Nigeria’s economic crisis. “I told you that this was a trap that was set for Tinubu by Northern leaders and he fell into it. Yes, it is a plot by the North to destabilise this government that is the reason former President Buhari removed fuel subsidy from the 2023 budget that took effect from June, while he left office on May 29. “They knew that Dangote Refinery will not start operation in August 2023 and that is the cause of economic hardship in the country. “The past administrations had romanced with fuel subsidy removal, but didn’t remove it. President Tinubu at his inauguration removed fuel subsidy without provisions for measure to cushion its effects or any plan put in place to cushion the effects of subsidy, that is why these problems erupted.”As it stands now, it is very hard for the government to do a drastic transformation that will bring visible solutions especially in the area of food crisis, except Dangote Refinery begins operation soon.”