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Your Excellency,
Nigeria stands at a pivotal crossroads. The pervasive issues of poverty and the societal decay it perpetuates have reached a level of urgency that can no longer be ignored. The cries of hunger, now echoing in the streets, represent far more than just a lack of food. They are the voices of millions of Nigerians who have been stripped of their dignity, left to survive in a system that has failed them repeatedly. These are not merely protests; they are a collective outcry against the indignity of living without the certainty of basic needs, without hope for a better future.
Your Excellency, in the face of these challenges, it is imperative that we reassess our approach to social welfare in Nigeria. The current framework, embodied by the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, has not only fallen short of addressing these issues but has also perpetuated a cycle of dependency and poverty. This ministry, while well-intentioned, has proven to be a temporary bandage on a deep and festering wound. This approach does not respect the inherent dignity of our people. It treats them as dependents rather than as citizens with rights. Social security should be recognized not as an act of benevolence, but as a fundamental right. It is time to rethink our strategy and implement a transformative change that will pave the way for a more equitable and sustainable future for all Nigerians.
I respectfully urge you to consider establishing a National Social Security Agency, directly under the Office of the President, to replace the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs. This agency would target and address the needs of the vulnerable population through a more efficient and sustainable system, one that truly empowers rather than pities, one that upholds the dignity and respect every Nigerian deserves. A system that ensures citizens feel truly secure, confident that no matter the circumstances, their basic needs for food and shelter will be met, a system that will provide the government with the necessary space to focus on other critical aspects of governance, free from unprovoked backlash due to perceived neglect or lack of support.
Who are the vulnerable to be targeted?
When we speak of the vulnerable, we must recognize them for who they truly are: our elderly who have served this country, now left without the security of a pension; our disabled who are daily fighting for a life of dignity in a society that overlooks their needs; our widows and orphans, left without a breadwinner and struggling to survive; the unemployed who seek work but find only closed doors; and those who have suffered unimaginable loss—whether through accidents, violence, or abandonment—and are now forgotten by the system that should protect them. These are the faces of Nigeria’s vulnerable population, and it is our moral obligation to ensure that they are not just seen but also supported with the dignity and respect they deserve.
The Flawed System: Why Our Current Approach to Poverty Alleviation Isn’t Working
The fight against poverty has been a central focus of development planning in Nigeria since independence. Various governments have introduced numerous poverty alleviation programs over the years. Yet, the grim reality is that these interventions have largely failed to deliver meaningful and lasting results. The statistics paint a sobering picture:
•Poverty Rate: Approximately 40% of Nigerians live below the poverty line, struggling to meet their basic needs.
•Unemployment: The unemployment rate stands at around 33%, with many Nigerians, especially youth, unable to secure stable employment.
•Disability: Over 25 million Nigerians are living with disabilities, often without adequate support or services to lead dignified lives.
•Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): Over 3 million Nigerians have been displaced due to conflicts and natural disasters, facing severe hardships and limited access to essential services.
The existing model, which relies heavily on charitable handouts and temporary relief measures, is not only inadequate but also fundamentally flawed. This approach is not only patronizing but also demeaning, perpetuating a cycle of dependency. Substantial portions of allocated funds are often misappropriated or wasted, and the aid that does reach those in need is insufficient and quickly depleted on immediate necessities, rather than fostering long-term empowerment or self-sufficiency.
From Charity to Rights-Based Social Support
Your Excellency, continuing to administer social support through a charity-oriented framework is both dishonorable and counterproductive. It turns those in need into dependents rather than empowering them to rise above their circumstances. The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, by its very name, suggests that social support is a benevolent gift rather than a fundamental right. This mindset is outdated and should be replaced with one that recognizes social security as a rightful entitlement for every Nigerian citizen.
The National Social Security Agency: A Comprehensive Solution for Nigeria’s Social Welfare
To rectify this, I propose the creation of a National Social Security Agency, a centralized body tied directly to the Office of the President, tasked with managing a National Social Security Database. This database will ensure comprehensive and accurate records of all Nigerians, enabling the government to effectively identify and address needs related to housing, employment, healthcare, and more. A critical aspect of this reform includes the provision of low-cost housing. As individuals become self-sufficient through employment and support, they can transition to more permanent housing, thus making room for others in need.
We must acknowledge the direct impact that meeting basic needs has on reducing crime and violence. It’s a well-understood reality that crime and violence in Nigeria could be reduced by at least 30% if the basic needs of the poor and needy are adequately met. While this doesn’t excuse criminal behavior, we must face the fact that many crimes in our nation stem from the desperation to survive, unlike in more affluent societies where crimes are less often rooted in economic necessity.
The protests and agitations that currently plague the nation are, at their core, expressions of deep-seated hunger and need. When citizens know that their next meal is guaranteed, that they have a roof over their heads, and that they will not be abandoned in times of need, they engage more constructively in society rather than being forced to fight for survival.
Moreover, this shift will allow the government to focus on other critical areas of national development and significantly reduce unwarranted criticism stemming from concerns about neglect or inadequate support.
The Role of Data and the NIN
The dependability of the data is crucial because accurate, up-to-date information is essential for identifying and effectively assisting those who are genuinely in need. The National Identification Number (NIN) will play a vital role in this process by serving as a unique identifier for every citizen. It will help ensure that benefits are correctly assigned to eligible individuals, track the employment and economic status of citizens over time, and reduce instances of duplicate or fraudulent claims, as each person’s records would be tied to their unique NIN. The success of the National Social Security Agency will hinge on the accuracy and reliability of the data it collects, as demonstrated by the success stories of other countries with similar systems.
A Sustainable Model for Social Security Funding

Contributions from Taxes and Private Sector: Private individuals and businesses will also contribute to the social security fund. A 5% contribution from employed individuals and businesses will not only help sustain the fund but also foster a sense of shared responsibility for the welfare of the nation. This contribution could be in the form of a tax, which would be a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing that every Nigerian is assured of basic sustenance.
When previously unemployed individuals gain employment, they would begin contributing to the Social Security Fund through a mandated percentage of their income, similar to other employed individuals. This applies to everyone earning an income, whether in the private or public sector, including those engaged in petty trading. This principle underscores the importance of contribution: if an individual did not contribute while employed, they would not be entitled to receive support if they later become unemployed.
To drive this process and ensure efficient resource allocation, the agency will establish an office in each of the 774 Local Government Areas. Local governments will work closely with the Social Security field offices, as they are best equipped to manage and interpret community-level data. With the help of councilors, local government chairmen can identify individuals who are disabled, unemployed, or otherwise disadvantaged, making it easier to detect fraudulent claims.
The collective contribution approach is neither foreign to us nor unattainable. From 1960 to 1995, Nigeria committed over $61 billion to the liberation of South Africa, demonstrating our nation’s capacity for sacrifice and solidarity. In 1976, the South African Relief Fund (SAFR) was established to alleviate the suffering of those oppressed under apartheid. Nigerian civil servants and public officers willingly contributed 2% of their monthly salaries to support this cause.
Your Excellency, if Nigeria could extend such profound commitment to liberate black South Africans, surely we can marshal the same resolve to uplift over 80 million Nigerians from the shackles of poverty and restore their dignity. This is not just a call to duty; it is a call to our shared humanity. And it is one that must be led by you, Mr. President. Let this be President Tinubu’s Economic Revival for the Masses—a legacy project that will set a new standard for governance in Nigeria and inspire subsequent administrations to continue this vital work.
The Bottom Line
Your Excellency, establishing a National Social Security Agency is not merely an administrative change but a crucial step towards better governance and improved living standards in Nigeria. This reform will move us beyond ineffective and degrading empowerment programs to a system that truly supports and uplifts every Nigerian citizen. Social security should be recognized as a right, and it is time we implement a framework that reflects this fundamental principle—one where citizens receive the support they need without having to rely on connections within the presidency, national or state assemblies, governors, commissioners, or local government chairmen.
In conclusion, the creation of the National Social Security Agency, directly under the Office of the President, in place of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, would not only guarantee the rights and dignity of Nigeria’s most vulnerable citizens but also align our nation with global standards in the realistic and far-reaching implementation of fundamental principles of livelihood, exemplified by equity, enterprise, and engagement.
Your Excellency, in this period of socio-economic difficulties, the National Social Security Agency has the potential to address the needs of the people and profoundly manifest your administration’s commitment to good governance. I, therefore, urge you to take action for the common good of empowering the citizens and charting a bold new course in patriotic service to the nation.
With due diligence and utmost respect,
Senator Ned Munir Nwoko
Senator, Delta North Senatorial District
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales

  • Dons Eze

    DONS EZE, PhD, Political Philosopher and Journalist of over four decades standing, worked in several newspaper houses across the country, and rose to the positions of Editor and General Manager. A UNESCO Fellow in Journalism, Dr. Dons Eze, a prolific writer and author of many books, attended several courses on Journalism and Communication in both Nigeria and overseas, including a Postgraduate Course on Journalism at Warsaw, Poland; Strategic Communication and Practical Communication Approach at RIPA International, London, the United Kingdom, among others.

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