KENYA’S PRESIDENT DROPS TAX HIKE AFTER DEADLY UNREST Kenya’s President William Ruto, on Wednesday, bowed to pressure from violent protesters and dropped the controversial tax bill which sought to raise $2.3billion in new levies in the Eastern Africa country. At least 23 people died in the anti-tax hike demonstration which took thousands of young men to the streets of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, and several other cities. The protest which began online, gathered momentum and paralysed socio-economic activities in the country for days. The original bill proposed taxes on bread, cooking oil, mobile money services, specialised hospitals and on motor vehicles – all of which Kenyans said would worsen the cost-of-living crisis. Since last week, the streets of Kenya have been marred by protests after lawmakers approved tax increases that are even unpopular with supporters of the president, who once vowed to reduce the cost of living. The doubling of the tax on petroleum products, from 8% to 16%, is expected to have a ripple effect on East Africa’s economic hub, with the prices of goods and services expected to increase. The administration of President William Ruto, who was elected last year, has only made things harder, one supporter said. “He said he was going to make life easier for us hustlers. We are now unable to afford food. Prices are higher than they were before the elections,” hairdresser Evelyne Adhiambo said. People earning above 500,000 shillings ($3,500) now will pay 32.5% in taxes, and those making above 800,000 shillings will pay 35%. Combined with a new housing tax of 1.5% and a medical insurance tax of 2.5%, the new burden will see some Kenyans part with about 40% of their income. Teresia Kathina, a civil servant for 26 years, said it will be the highest employees have ever paid in taxes. “This feels cruel because of the inflation rates,” she said. Economist Aly Khan Satchu said the new law “represents the highest tax rate across every segment.” Small businesses are also being hit, with a tax on their total sales increasing from 1% to 3%. Business people said this will kill the already struggling small businesses that have been reporting losses since the COVID-19 pandemic started. “They are essentially telling us to shut down, because we will not take loans to pay taxes,” said Moses Munyao, a wholesale shop owner in the capital, Nairobi. Ruto campaigned on a platform of reducing the cost of living. While seeking election, he accused former President Uhuru Kenyatta of letting food costs “skyrocket because he has never slept without food in his life, as he was born in a wealthy family.” Ruto’s election win was largely attributed to his appeal to voters as a fellow “hustler” who rose from a humble background to senior roles in government, including as Kenyatta’s vice president. Ruto has sought to justify the increased taxes as the only way to reduce borrowing for a government struggling with a public debt of 9.4 trillion shillings ($67 billion) and is classified by the World Bank as being at high risk of debt distress. The president was expected to sign the new bill into law before the start of the government’s financial year on July 1. Satchu, the economist, said the petrol tax is a reform that the International Monetary Fund has been championing for some time and may have been a “soft precondition” for the $1.1 billion IMF package recently announced for Kenya. “It’s a relatively frictionless tax for the government to collect. However, clearly it will create pronounced ripple effects throughout the economy in that it will raise prices across the economy and further crimp and reduce incomes, which have already been under downside pressure,” Satchu said. He said the…


SAUDI AUTHORITIES BLAME HEAT, UNAUTHORISED TRIPS AS HAJJ DEATHS REACH 1,300 Saudi Arabia’s official death toll from this year’s Hajj exercise has reached 1,301, with extreme heat and unauthorised trips cited as major contributing factors. The Saudi government released a statement acknowledging “numerous cases” of heat stress and highlighting that 83% of the deceased were “unauthorized to perform Hajj.” The affected pilgrims, the statement claimed, “walked long distances under direct sunlight, without adequate shelter or comfort.” Two Kwara Pilgrims Die In Saudi Arabia, Board Mourns The scorching temperatures in Mecca, with highs exceeding 125 degrees Fahrenheit, have been a major concern throughout the pilgrimage. Witnesses reported pilgrims collapsing from heat exhaustion and bodies covered in white cloth lining walkways. Adding to the dangers, Saudi Arabia pointed to a surge in unauthorised pilgrimages. Hajj permits are allocated by country quota and require a license for legal entry to Mecca. These licences, however, can cost several thousand dollars, leading some pilgrims to seek alternative, often dangerous routes. Egyptian authorities recently revoked licences of 16 tourism companies accuced of facilitating illegal trips. Reports suggest hundreds of Egyptians may be among the deceased, far exceeding the official toll of 31. The companies, according to the Egyptian government, failed to provide proper visas, forcing pilgrims onto treacherous desert paths and leaving them exposed to the brutal heat.Beyond the immediate tragedy, the disaster has sparked renewed calls for improved infrastructure and better organisation of the annual Hajj. Critics point out that even with official permits, pilgrims still spend a significant amount of time outdoors under the scorching sun.


CHINA TO INCREASE AGRIC IMPORT FROM NIGERIA The Chinese government has promised to increase agricultural product imports from Nigeria going forward. This was disclosed in a joint statement between Wang Yi, China’s foreign affairs Minister and his Nigerian counterpart, Yusuf Tuggar, at the first plenary meeting of the China-Nigeria Intergovernmental Committee held in Beijing. This is after Nigeria exported N572.58 billion worth of agricultural products to the Asian market including China, according to data from the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The two sides seized the moment to review the positive achievements in the development of China-Nigeria relations over the past 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Strengthening Cooperation According to the joint statement published on China’s foreign affairs website on Saturday, the two countries agreed to strengthen cooperation in infrastructure, electricity, telecommunications, finance, agriculture, industry, mining, free trade zones and other fields. The Chinese side assured of improving agriculture imports from Nigeria among other things. “China is willing to further increase imports of high-quality agricultural products from Nigeria. Nigeria is willing to strengthen its partnership with China in mining and solid mineral development and is willing to cooperate with Chinese companies to build factories locally to meet local consumption and export needs. “The two sides are willing to create an open, transparent, fair and non-discriminatory business environment for cooperation between enterprises of the two countries, support the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core, oppose trade protectionism, and promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment.” the joint statement partly reads. Furthermore, China said supported Nigeria in improving its capacity building in military security technology, equipment and intelligence to more effectively respond to traditional and non-traditional security challenges at home and abroad, in the region and internationally, and in maintaining national peace and stability. What the Nigerian government is saying In his X page on Saturday, Tuggar confirmed the deliberations in the meeting with the Chinese government. He stated that their discussions reviewed over 50 years of robust Nigeria-China relations, emphasizing mutual support in international fora like the UN, and exploring new avenues of cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, and digital economies. “Both sides agreed to enhance partnership across various sectors and create a business-friendly environment. They also reaffirmed commitments to good governance, regional stability, and economic development, including a currency swap agreement to facilitate trade,” Tuggar tweeted. What you should know China is well grounded in commercial relations with Nigeria over the years. In the first quarter of 2024, China ranked highest among the top trading partners on the import side, followed by India, the United States of America, Belgium, and The Netherlands. Analysis by trading partners reveals that imports originated mainly from China and were valued at N2,930.10 billion, representing 23.18% of total imports “The data showed that most of the agricultural products were exported to Asia, valued at N572.58 billion, this was followed by exports to Europe with N366.11 billion,” the NBS for Q1, 2024 showed. The NBS added that further analysis showed that ‘Sesamum seeds’ worth N83.29 billion and N58.04 billion were exported to China and Japan in the period under review.


TUNISIAN PRESIDENT SACKS RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS MINISTER AFTER 49 PILGRIMS DIED IN HAJJ Tunisian President, Kais Saied, has sacked the Minister of Religious Affairs in the country after 49 Tunisians died in this year’s hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. The death toll has risen to 1126, more than half of them from Egypt, according to AFP tally on Friday, compiling official statements and reports from diplomats involved in the response. The President “decided to end the duties of Ibrahim Chaibi, the Minister of Religious Affairs,” a statement by the Presidency who posted on Facebook said without giving any further details. On Tuesday, the Tunisian Foreign Ministry reported the death of 35 Tunisian pilgrims, but the number has risen to 49 so far, according to Tunisian media. The ministry didn’t specify whether the deaths were related to high temperatures, adding that most of the dead had travelled to Saudi Arabia with tourist visas and outside of the Saudi government’s official pilgrimage programme. Each year, official permits are allocated to countries through a quota system and distributed to individuals via a lottery. Even for those who can obtain them, the steep costs can make the irregular route – which costs thousands of dollars less – more attractive. That has been especially true since 2019 when Saudi Arabia began issuing general tourist visas, making it easier to travel to the Gulf kingdom.Deaths during the pilgrimage have also been confirmed by Malaysia, India, Jordan, Iran, Senegal, Tunisia, Sudan and Iraq’s autonomous Kurdistan region.


US POLLS: TRUMP SAYS HE’LL GRANT AUTOMATIC GREEN CARDS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS IF RE-ELECTED Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, has said if re-elected his government would grant automatic Permanent Resident permits, known as Green Cards, to Nigerians and other international students who graduate from US colleges. The former Republican President disclosed this recently in his immigration proposal titled ‘Build America visa’. Trump is known for his hardline and conservative immigration stance, however, the new proposal represents a potential shift in how the US handles immigration, particularly in retaining international talent. The US grants 1.1 million permanent legal resident visas yearly. “What I would like is a new legal immigration system that protects American wages, promotes American values, and attracts the best and brightest from all around the world.” He added, “What I will do is you graduate from college, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a Green Card to be able to stay in this country.” He stressed that this policy would apply to graduates from all types of US colleges and those with doctorate degrees.Trump is expected to battle for the US presidency with the incumbent President, Joe Biden, a Democrat, on November 5, 2024.


AL-QAEDA JIHADIS FROM BENIN MOVE TO NIGERIA, SETTLE AT KAINJI LAKE NATIONAL PARK Jihadi fighters who had long operated in Africa’s volatile Sahel region have settled in northwestern Nigeria after crossing from neighboring Benin, a report said Wednesday, the latest trend in the militants’ movements to wealthier West African coastal nations. The extremists believed to be linked to al-Qaida have in the last year crossed over from Benin’s hard-hit northern region and settled in Kainji Lake National Park, one of Nigeria’s largest, where other armed groups have also gained access, according to the report by the Clingendael Institute think tank, which has done extensive research in the Sahel. Residents close to the park told The Associated Press that the facility, which holds one of West Africa’s fast-declining lion populations, has been closed for more than a year because of security threats from armed groups attacking neighboring villages and roads. “Before, it was like a tourism center (but) now, people find it difficult to pass through there,” said John Yerima, who lives near the park in New Bussa town. “You cannot enter that road (leading to the park) now. It is dangerous, seriously.” The security situation at the 5,300-square kilometer (2,000-square mile) park in Niger state and along the nearby border with Benin is “getting out of hand” and is “a much more explosive situation than we had anticipated,” said Kars de Bruijne, one of the authors of the report and a senior research fellow at the institute. The “sustained presence” of the armed groups in the park is the first sign of a connection between Nigeria’s homegrown extremists that have launched a decadelong insurgency in its northern region, and al-Qaida-linked militants from the Sahel, the vast arid expanse south of the Sahara Desert, Bruijne said. Their presence offers an opportunity for the extremists to claim large-scale success in both countries, already wracked by deadly attacks in recent years, he added. Known as a global hot spot for violent extremism, the Sahel region’s worsening security crisis comes as military coups are toppling democratic governments. As the military governments struggle to contain the violence, they are increasingly severing security with traditional partners France and the United States and turning to Russia for support. In northwest Nigeria, security analysts have in the past warned that the region’s remote territories, where the government is largely absent but have rich mineral resources and high poverty levels, present an opportunity for expansion for jihadi groups that had operated mainly in the Sahel, as well as the Islamic State group, whose fighters hold sway in the Lake Chad basin. “A link between Lake Chad and the Sahel is a major opportunity for al-Qaida and the Islamic State to boast about their profiles as leaders of global jihad,” the report said. There are also concerns from conservationists that the presence of armed groups in the park could further threaten the remaining lions whose populations have declined as a result of poaching and climate change. They say the park and most protected wildlife areas in Nigeria are poorly patrolled, making them easy targets for armed groups. “The security situation has become top of the list when it comes to the concerns about the lion populations in Nigeria,” said Stella Egbe, senior conservation manager at the Nigerian Conservation Foundation. The Nigerian military often conducts aerial bombardments and deploys its personnel in criminal hideouts in the conflict-battered northern region. However, security forces — fatigued by the decadelong war in the northeast — are still outnumbered and outgunned in those remote villages, and the root causes of the conflict such as poverty remain. The Clingendael report said it is unclear what the motive of the Sahel extremists in the park is and what their relationship…


NEW ZEALAND PM TAKES COMMERCIAL FLIGHT TO JAPAN AFTER HIS PLANE BROKE DOWN New Zealand’s prime minister was forced to take a commercial flight to Japan after his air force plane broke down while refuelling in Papua New Guinea, his office said Monday. Christopher Luxon switched late Sunday to a scheduled flight from Port Moresby to Tokyo via Hong Kong because of a technical issue with the New Zealand Defence Force Boeing 757 aircraft he had been flying on. A problem with a command module for a small flap on the wing meant the aircraft could not fly as high or as fast as normal, affecting its range, a defence spokesperson said. It was detected while the plane was on the ground in Papua New Guinea. A delegation of business leaders and journalists accompanying Luxon had to wait until Monday to fly on the air force 757 to Brisbane and then catch a commercial flight to Tokyo, the spokesperson said. Luxon is expected to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida during his four-day visit.In March, the New Zealand leader had to fly commercial to Australia for meetings with Southeast Asian leaders after a problem with the landing gear grounded his defence force plane while still on the tarmac in Wellington.


FOUR KILLED, 12 INJURED AS VEHICLE IN CONVOY OF MALAWI’S VP KILLED IN PLANE CRASH RAM INTO MOURNERS A vehicle in the convoy of the late Malawian Vice President, Saulos Chilima’s funeral procession has killed at least four mourners and injured no fewer than 12 persons. The vehicle, which was part of a motorcade conveying the remains of the late VP, rammed into mourners on Sunday night in the Ntcheu community, a village in central Malawi. It was gathered that thousands of mourners had lined up in the streets to catch a glimpse of the vice president’s coffin when the incident happened. The spokesman of the Malawian police, Peter Kalaya confirmed the incident in a statement on Monday morning. “Due to the impact, two female and two male pedestrians sustained severe head injuries and multiple fractures and died whilst receiving treatment,” said a police statement. It will be recalled that a military aircraft conveying Malawi’s Vice President and other top government officials went missing last week after it failed to land. After an intense search, the wreckage of the aircraft was discovered with no survivors.The VP and the nine others were on their way to the funeral of a prominent Malawian lawyer, former Attorney General and Justice Minister, Ralph Kasambala in Mzuzu when the plane crashed.


TRAGEDY IN MALAWI AS VP, EX-FIRST LADY, OTHERS FEARED KILLED IN PLANE CRASH The military aircraft conveying Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima which went missing on Monday have been found. The military plane carrying the VP and nine others, including the former First Lady, Shanil Dzimbiri, failed to make a landing on Monday morning. The VP and the nine others were to attend the funeral of a prominent Malawian lawyer, former Attorney General and Justice Minister, Ralph Kasambala in Mzuzu. President Lazarus Chakwera had ordered regional and national forces to conduct an immediate search and rescue operation to locate the whereabouts of the missing aircraft. It was however gathered that the Dornier 228 military plane was found in the Chikangawa Forest early hours of Tuesday. All passengers on board were reportedly dead. A statement issued on Tuesday morning by the Press Secretary to the President, Anthony Rogbers Kasunda said President Chakwera will address the general public shortly.


STORMY DANIELS, WOMAN WHO BROUGHT TRUMP DOWN The legal saga involving former President Donald Trump and his dealings with porn star, Stormy Daniels, reached a dramatic conclusion Thursday as Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. This conviction, stemming from a $130,000 payment made to Daniels to conceal their alleged extramarital affair just days before the 2016 presidential election, marks a significant moment in U.S. legal and political history. Trump’s sentencing is scheduled for July 11, opening the door to potential jail time for the former president. The Core of the Controversy The case centered on the payment made by Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, intended to prevent Daniels from publicizing her affair with Trump during the critical final stages of his presidential campaign. The payment was not only a personal matter but was deemed a campaign finance violation, as it was an expense aimed at influencing the election outcome and was not reported as such. The Stormy Daniel Legal and Political Ramifications Trump’s conviction carries both immediate and long-term consequences. Legally, the former president faces the unprecedented prospect of imprisonment, pending his sentencing. This outcome also casts a serious doubt on Trump’s integrity and transparency, potentially impacting his influence and the loyalty of his supporters. The political implications are vast, not only for Trump but for the Republican Party as it navigates the repercussions of his actions. The Role of Stormy Daniels Stormy Daniels, once underestimated by many as a peripheral figure unlikely to impact Trump’s career significantly, has proven to be a central figure in one of the most consequential legal battles involving a former U.S. president. Her determination to pursue legal action and her cooperation with prosecutors have highlighted the potential for individuals to hold even the most powerful figures accountable. Broader Implications This case underscores a growing demand for accountability among public figures, a sentiment echoed by movements such as #MeToo. It illustrates the increasing unwillingness of the public and judicial system to overlook or dismiss potentially illegal actions by leaders, driven by societal calls for greater transparency and ethical conduct. Future Political Landscape The ramifications of this verdict reach far beyond Trump himself, affecting the political landscape significantly. As the Republican Party reassesses its strategy and alignment, Trump’s conviction may prompt a reevaluation of how deeply the party ties itself to one individual’s fortunes. The GOP must consider whether continuing to support Trump could harm their appeal to broader voter bases in upcoming elections. Public and International Perception Internationally, this conviction may alter how global leaders interact with the United States. The perception of American democracy and its leaders’ accountability is crucial in diplomatic relations. Trump’s legal troubles and potential imprisonment could serve as a deterrent to other nations, affecting international policies and alliances. Conclusion The conviction of Donald Trump is not just a personal defeat for the former president; it is a landmark moment that may redefine the standards of accountability for political figures in the United States. As the date of his sentencing approaches, all eyes will be on the impact this verdict will have on his future political viability and on the broader political landscape.Stormy Daniels’ role in this historic outcome underscores the significant impact that determined individuals can have in challenging established power structures.