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GOVERNORS in Nigeria, no doubt, wielded power either rightly or wrongly in Nigeria since the nation returned to democratic governance in 1999.

Under their state enclave despite the separation of powers, the three organs of government, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary that was well spelt out in the Constitution, Governors have been seen deciding who should be the Speaker or Chief Judge in the State. They only obey and respect the law when it is in their favour.

Who becomes the Speaker is at the prerogative of the governors, if he is to be removed, it lies in the decision of the governor.

Seventeen Deputy Governors have been sacked by their governors in last 25 years of uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria since 1999.

Twenty-six Speakers were impeached and replaced with new ones with hand-in-glove mostly influenced by the State Governors.

Former Governor of Rivers State and his successor, Siminalayi Fubara have turned Rivers State into war grounds forgetting the oath of Office they took not to allow their personal interest override their decisions.

What is really going on in Rivers State?

Fubara demolished a section of the State Assembly under the excuse that the building was defective using the minority at the State Assembly to take decision over the majority.

The Governor recently replaced the Chairman of the State Supreme Council of Traditional Ruler’s Council, High Royal Majesty, Eze Sergeant Awuse, and appointed Eze Ohna Apara, His Royal Majesty, Eze Chike Worlu Wodo as a replacement to occupy the office of the Chairman of the council.

He did this because Awuse was loyal to Wike, therefore, the state must suffer for this. But how long will this continue?

Both Wike and Fubara’s tenures will expire, but Rivers State will remain, this, they failed to realize.

It would be recalled that former Coordination Minister of Finance, Mrs Okonjo Iwuala had running battles with the governors over plans to save for the raining days. They vehemently frustrated the wise initiative of the Minister, part of which Nigerians are paying the bitter price today.

On Enthronement And Dethronement of Monarchs

Many monarchs have been dethroned or enthroned through questionable circumstances, a recent typical instance was the Emir of Kano saga.

Once the Governor finds out that the monarch does not belong to his caucus, what follows would be dethronement not minding whether due process was followed or not, whether kingmakers appointed the king according to customs and traditions or whether there is peace in the city or not, this is none of their business.

Many Obas have been dethroned and enthroned even when their cases are still pending in court. Most of them forgot that they became the governor at the mercy of the same court they are trying to disobey.

Intervention of the governors in selection of the monarchs have caused more harm than good. Their actions have desecrated our traditional institutions.

While the Oyo State Governor, Engr. Rotimi Makinde respects the kingmakers and the courts in the appointments of the Obas, the reverse is the case in Osun where some towns are battling with the intervention of the state government in the selection of their monarchs when there are pending cases in court.

Ridiculing of our traditional institution is ongoing in Kano just because two rival personalities are at each others throats, the grass and trees must suffer. The state must be pulled down because of the personal interests of politicians. This is not what they campaigned for. There is a threat by the governor to pull down the Palace of Ado Bayero.

Emir of Sokoto issue is taking the centre stage as I write, there are plans to reduce his powers.

On whose interest?

Governors have created precedences of chaos and enmity for the future generations because whoever takes over from them will dethrone the monarchs and replaced him with their choices like what Fubara did in Rivers State.

Local Government Autonomy

There are three tiers of government as spelt out by the Nigerian Constitution, Federal, States and the Local Governments but that was not to be as far as our governors are concerned. They have been seen to oppress the Local Governments administrations usurping their constitutional roles including federal allocations, revenue internal generations and other functions as it relates to good governance at the grassroots.

In those days, Local Governments are responsible for rehabilitation of local roads, collection of levies and taxes in their jurisdictions. All these roles have been taken over by our ‘almighty’ Governors. They hire and fire Chairmen at will.

While all these atrocities are being carried out, our activists turned blind eyes to it, waiting until the Federal Government would sneeze and they will quickly organize protests to counter the federal government actions.

Questions come to mind;

For how long will our governors continue to wield their executive rascality?

Would heaven not fall if federal government treat it like they treat other arms of government?

Have they forgotten that their executive powers does not exceed two terms of eight years after which they will become ordinary citizens?

Is it not a crime against humanity for a sitting Governor shielding his predecessor from arrest after allegation of looting tax payers money meant for good governance?

One thing is sure, history will remember every elected leaders for what they have the opportunity to do but refused for their own personal interest.

We have had story of two Heads of States of Kano State origin, while one was assassinated on February 13, 1976 in the case of General Murtala Mohammed and Nigerians trooped out protesting, crying and mourning. The other one, General Sani Abacha died unsung, uncelebrated, instead, people were celebrating his demise. This was first time in history of Nigeria.

Abacha died on June 8, 1998 no one remembered him and there has not been any monument named after him but Nigerians still remembered Murtala Mohammed every year since February 13, 1976. Nigerian International Airport was named after him in Lagos.Will any of our Governors be on the right side of history?

  • Dons Eze

    DONS EZE, PhD, Political Philosopher and Journalist of over four decades standing, worked in several newspaper houses across the country, and rose to the positions of Editor and General Manager. A UNESCO Fellow in Journalism, Dr. Dons Eze, a prolific writer and author of many books, attended several courses on Journalism and Communication in both Nigeria and overseas, including a Postgraduate Course on Journalism at Warsaw, Poland; Strategic Communication and Practical Communication Approach at RIPA International, London, the United Kingdom, among others.

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