EMIRSHIP TUSSLE: ADO-BAYERO’S LAWYERS WITHDRAW LEGAL SERVICES Mr Abdul Muhammed and other counsel to the 15th Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado-Bayero, in the ongoing Kano emirship tussle, have withdrawn their legal services before the State High Court. The applicants in the matter—the Attorney General of Kano State, the Speaker of Kano State House of Assembly and Kano State House of Assembly, and the Kano State House of Assembly—through their counsel, Ibrahim Isah-Wangida, filed a motion ex parte on May 27, seeking the court to restrain Aminu Ado-Bayero, and four other dethroned emirs of Bichi, Rano, Gaya and Karaye from parading themselves as emirs. The respondents are Alhaji Aminu Ado-Bayero; Alhaji Nasiru Ado-Bayero, Emir of Bichi; Dr Ibrahim Abubakar II, Emir of Karaye; Alhaji Kabiru Muhammad-Inuwa, Emir of Rano; and Alhaji Aliyu Ibrahim-Gaya, Emir of Gaya. Others are the Inspector General of Police, Director of State Security Service, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and the Nigerian Army. When the case came up for hearing, Muhammed, counsel to Ado-Bayero, informed the court that he had an affidavit of fact dated July 3, attached with a notice of appeal and a motion of stay of proceedings. He urged the court to stay proceedings pending the hearing and determination of the motion at the appeal court. “My Lord, we were served with the court processes this morning by the applicants,” he said. He sought an adjournment to enable them to respond, but the court refused to grant his prayers. “My Lord, myself and other counsels representing the first respondent apply for the withdrawal of our legal services and appearances,” he said. Counsel to the 3rd, 4th and 5th respondents, Hassan Tanko-Kyaure, moved his application for an extension of time dated July 2 and counter-affidavit in response to the originating motion. He urged the court to set aside the Kano State Emirates Council (Repeal) Law 2024, adding that due process was not followed. Tanko-Kyaure also urged the court to dismiss the applicant’s application at a cost of N1 billion. Counsel to the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Sunday Ekwe, told the court that he had nothing to present, adding that they left everything to the discretion of the court. Responding as counsel to the applicant, Mr Eyitayo Fatogun urged the court to discountenance the respondent’s affidavit of facts according to Order 39 Rules 1 and 2 of the Court. “The motion refers to a proposed notice of appeal, not a notice of appeal. It shows that the affidavit of facts is just to delay the proceedings. My Lord, the business of today is the hearing of all pending applications.” Fatogun urged the court to dismiss the third, fourth and fifth respondents’ applications on the issue of the Kano Emirate Repeal Law because the issue is not before the court. Earlier, while delivering a ruling, Justice Amina Adamu-Aliyu, refused the application for a stay of proceedings filed by the respondent. “The respondent did not disclose any special fact to warrant any stay of proceedings,” Adamu-Aliyu said. The judge adjourned the matter until July 18, to rule on the application for extension of time, notice of preliminary objection, setting aside ex parte order, joinder application, and judge to recuse herself, among others. The court on May 27, granted an order of interim injunction restraining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th respondents themselves, servants, and privies, from parading themselves as emirs in the interest of peace in Kano.On May 23, the Kano State House of Assembly dissolved the state’s four newly created emirate councils. Gov. Abba Kabir-Yusuf reappointed Lamido Sanusi as the Emir of Kano.


DOZENS FEARED DEAD AS TWO-STOREY BUILDING COLLAPSES IN ANAMBRA A building collapse at Eke Amawbia Market in Awka, Anambra State, has left many feared dead. The incident occurred around noon on Thursday, causing widespread panic in the area. Eyewitnesses reported that the two-storey shop building suddenly crumbled, burying numerous vegetable traders beneath the debris. As of press time, one person has been rescued and rushed to Amawbia Maternity Home for urgent medical attention. However, many more are believed to be trapped inside the wreckage. A large contingent of police officers has arrived at the scene to coordinate rescue efforts and maintain order. Emergency responders are also working tirelessly to search for survivors amid the rubble. Traders who witnessed the collapse blamed the disaster on substandard engineering work, alleging that the building’s structural integrity had been compromised.The atmosphere at the market is tense, with onlookers anxiously waiting for news of loved ones feared trapped in the building.


YOUR APPOINTMENT NOT FULL-TIME, MINISTER TELLS GOVERNING COUNCILS OF TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS Minister of Education, Tahir Mamman, has warned the newly inaugurated governing councils of tertiary institutions against extravagant expenses in the course of discharging their duties. The minister also reiterated the provisions of the laws stipulating that the appointees are appointed on a part-time basis and not as full-time employees or managers of the institutions. He gave the warnings on Thursday, at the National Universities Commission (NUC), Abuja. during the inauguration of the newly appointed members of governing councils for federal universities, polytechnics and colleges of education. The minister’s concerns may not be unconnected to the perceived conduct of some appointees of governing councils of institutions who reportedly compete with the institutions’ management officials for the day-to-day management of the institutions. Mr Mamman, a professor, said their activities as members of governing councils are on a part-time basis and that emoluments and benefits of part-time employment are defined across the country. “I will mention with some hesitation but it’s very important. Councils are on a part-time basis, they operate on a part-time basis not full time, either chairman or members,” he said. “Those that are part-time across the country have defined emolument structure and benefits. They’re clearly defined. So let us be so guided.” Mamman said there have been reported cases of chairpersons of councils making extravagant demands like chartered aircraft to attend functions and a house in the capital city, among others. “We have reports of what happened in the past where some pro-chancellors wanted chartered aircraft each time they wanted to go for functions, whether it’s convocation, or a trip to Abuja,” he said. “They want to have houses in Abuja. This is a real report. The government has, for a long time, monetised – taken itself out of the provision of houses for staff – except, of course, on the campuses.”. The minister asked the newly inaugurated councils to avoid such large expenses, noting that President Bola Tinubu has a habit of letting go of anyone found wanting immediately after they are reported to have committed infractions. He said: “Please let us avoid these things because we have a president who has zero tolerance for corruption. I can tell you one thing I learned from my president, among other things, if something breaks out in the media and it is negative, you are out the following day. “The president doesn’t sit down waiting for evidence. Before you start arranging long papers, long evidence. No! He acts decisively. And usually, these kinds of things happen around quarrels about money. So councils should try to avoid that.” The Minister also asked the new appointees to refrain from interfering with the day-to-day management of their respective institutions. He said there is a clear line of operations between the university management and the governing councils of the tertiary institutions. Also, he warned the councils against circumventing the university’s establishment and miscellaneous Acts and other relevant laws in the appointments of the institutions’ principal officers. He said the process of appointing the principal officers for the institutions is clearly provided for by the laws. “There’s no grey area in how principal officers emerge. All you need to do is to apply those laws and I tell you you will sleep well. It is when you skip the regulations and the laws that you won’t sleep well because you will be seeing a series of petitions either to you or over your head to us. Either way, it’s not good,” he said. He also warned them against trying to stifle the activities of unions on the campuses, saying it is a constitutional and international right for both staff and students to unionise. He asked them to…


REACTIONS TRAIL APPEAL COURT’S JUDGEMENT VACATING RESTRAINING ORDER ON PRO-WIKE LAWMAKERS AS MEMBERS OF RIVERS HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Court of Appeal, Abuja, on Thursday, the judgement which vacated the restraining order by a Port Harcourt Court on Martin Amaewhule and his group of 24 legislators in Rivers State has elicited varying reactions. The reactions as expected are based on the side of the divide and interest the individual arguing from standing as most persons usually want to interpret issues and judgments on the ongoing political crisis in Rivers from personal perspectives. While the key individuals in the case, the Martin Amaewhule-led assembly and actors of the Rivers State government chose to maintain silence on the matter, the Rivers APC led by Sir Tony Okocha and some lawyers in the state have bared their minds on the appellate card judgment. Speaking, “I Port Harcourt shortly after the judgment was delivered in Abuja, Okacha enthused; I don’t know of any sweeter moment than this because the Court of Appeal judgment has come to settle gray areas in our society”. He added that he had always warned that the state was sitting on a keg of gunpowder and that at some point it was a regime of supermarket orders”. He expressed joy with the appellate court for according to him throwing the High Court order on Amaewhule and his group to the thrash can saying that by its decision the has rendered the order a nullity. Okocha said; “The Court of Appeal said it (the High Court) did not have jurisdiction over the matter. “At the end of the day, as meticulous as they are I commend their industry. It is a perfect reasoning that they have espoused. “The worst any other person can do is to see whether they can approach the Supreme Court and I do not know how the Supreme Court will say that a judge that has no jurisdiction over a matter and assumed jurisdiction that the court is right”. He added; “I think the Court of Appeal should recommend that judge for scrutiny by the NJC, so that some of them will learn their lessons. He knew it was deliberate, it was the pecuniary interest that must have led him. “So all matters, Omotosho, CN Wali are all dead. The only matter alive today is that of the Court of Appeal said that the status quo should remain. But the status quo, so that we are also careful not to allow several individuals who now masquerade as pocket lawyers to give their own interpretation based on their divide. “The court said the status quo before the matter was at all instituted in any court. So what is the implementation, that Martin Amaewhule is the Speaker and that Martin has all the powers? And from all that they said it means that all the actions taken by the so-called 3-member assembly who were even on suspension before this time. The speaker, the deputy speaker and the Deputy leader 3 members. “All the actions they had gotten involved in, they are nullified; the Commissioners they screened, the so-called attorney general”. But in his own reaction, a constitutional lawyer, Prof. Richard Wokocha, said the judgment does not legitimise the position of Martin Amaewhule and his group as members of the Rivers State House of Assembly.Prof. Wokocha, a lecturer at the Department of Public Law, Rivers State University, said that the appellate court in its judgment affirmed that the High Court presided over by Charles Wali does not have the jurisdiction to entertain the matter as well as restrain the appellants from sitting.He emphasised that the court judgment did not affect their membership status. He said; “The Court of Appeal has acted on the…


BREAKING: APPEAL COURT AFFIRMS PRO-WIKE LAWMAKERS AS MEMBERS OF RIVERS HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY The Court of Appeal sitting in Abuja has upheld the appeal of Rt Hon Martin Amaewhule and 24 others who approached the Court challenging the decision of the Rivers State High Court, which favored Victor Oko-Jumbo, the Speaker of the State House of Assembly. It can be recalled that Justice CN Wali of the State High Court ruled in favour of Oko-Jumbo in a suit that restrained Amaewhule and twenty-four others from performing any legislative function and further declared their seats vacant, following their ‘defection’ from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC). An interlocutory injunction was also granted against Amaewhule & 24 Ors, which has now been consolidated in the appeal. The three-judge panel of the Appeal Court: Jimi Olukayode Bada, Hamma Akawu Barka and Balkisu Bello Aliyu JJCA, In suit No: CA/PH/198/2024, the appellate Court held: i. That the plaintiffs had the rights to institute the appeal. ii. That the plaintiffs record of Appeal is not invalidated and thus have life. iii. That the Appeal Court has jurisdiction to hear the meat of the matter. That “The Court vested with Jurisdiction to entertain the suit of Hon. Oko Jumbo and others is the Federal High Court and not the State High Court”. The trial court lacked the jurisdiction to hear the suit filed by the Respondent “ “That consequent upon the foregoing, the order of the trial court having been made without Jurisdiction is of no effect and is hereby declared null and void”The Court held that only the Federal High Court and no other court has the jurisdiction to determine cases of tenures and vacancies of House of Assembly, Governors and President and not the State High Courts (Rivers State High Court Inclusive).


BREAKING: COURT VOIDS EDO PDP PRIMARY ELECTION A Federal High Court in Abuja has declared as invalid the Peoples Democratic Party’s primary election that produced Asue Ighodalo as its governorship candidate. The primary election conducted on February 22, 2024, was voided on the ground that 378 delegates who were supposed to vote at the primary election were unlawfully excluded by PDP. Justice Inyang Edem Ekwo invalidated the primary election while delivering judgment in a suit instituted by the aggrieved delegates. The suit marked THC/ABJ/CS/165/2024 was instituted by one Hon Kelvin Mohammed in a representative capacity.Justice Ekwo held that both the provisions of the Electoral Act 2022 and the PDP Guidelines were grossly violated in the conduct of the primary election at the Samuel Ogbemudia stadium in Benin.


WE’RE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR CANDIDATE’S TRAVAILS – PDP REPLIES LP The Enugu State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has berated the Labour Party (LP) for fielding a candidate who is standing trial over alleged conspiracy and stealing for the Enugu South State Constituency election in the 2023 general election. The PDP stated that the party should not be held responsible for issues surrounding its candidate and his problems with the judiciary. Bright Ngene, who was the candidate of the LP in the said election, which has suffered series of rerun after eight wards were annulled by the court, was last week detained in prison custody by the Magistrate Court for alleged conspiracy and stealing. Following his ordeal, the National Working Committee (NWC) of the LP had alleged that Ngene was detained owing to a pending rerun election between him and the candidate of the PDP. LP added that Ngene’s detention was “politically motivated,” to ensure he did not participate in the rerun election. However, addressing a press briefing at the PDP state secretariat, yesterday, the party’s State Working Committee led by Augustine Nnamani asked LP members to bow their heads in shame for “falsely alleging political witch hunt by the Enugu State government in the trial of Ngene.”The PDP explained that Ngene’s investigation, trial and conviction were at the instance of his own people for the theft of N15.7 million belonging to their community, wondering how it could have related to the 2023 House of Assembly contest.


SUBSTANDARD PETROL FLOOD NIGERIAN MARKET – SENATE The Senate has raised the alarm that substandard Premium Motor Spirit or petrol, and Automotive Gas Oil or diesel have flooded the Nigerian market. Senator Asuquo Ekpeyong, in a matter of urgent national importance, observed that on June 16, 2024, a report revealed that 12 diesel cargoes conveying a total of 660 kilotons of diesel, were exported by refineries to offshore Lome, Togo for further distribution to West African markets, mainly Nigeria. According to him, the quality of the said diesel was below the Nigerian standard in terms of flash and Sulphur levels. Ekpeyong disclosed that; even though the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) recently revised the standards of diesel importation into Nigeria in line with the Petroleum Industry Act, 2021, it has been incapable of enforcing compliance with the standards. The Senate then set up an ad-hoc committee, to launch an investigation into the continued importation of hazardous petroleum products, and dumping of substandard diesel into Nigeria. Ekpeyong stressed that the NMDPRA has continued to issue import licences for diesel and jet, despite sufficient local production capacity. The lawmakers expressed anger over what they described as sabotage and a clear failure of the objectives of the PIA. The Upper Chamber asserted that those found culpable in the illicit act must face the wrath of the law. Meanwhile, the President of the Senate, Sen. Godswill Akpabio, has corroborated views by other lawmakers, that the issues raised within the PIA should be reviewed, not as an act of witch-hunting anyone, but to set the records straight.The Adhoc committee to investigate the allegation, chaired by the Senate leader, has been given three weeks to report back to the house.


SUBSTANDARD PETROL FLOOD NIGERIAN MARKET – SENATE The Senate has raised the alarm that substandard Premium Motor Spirit or petrol, and Automotive Gas Oil or diesel have flooded the Nigerian market. Senator Asuquo Ekpeyong, in a matter of urgent national importance, observed that on June 16, 2024, a report revealed that 12 diesel cargoes conveying a total of 660 kilotons of diesel, were exported by refineries to offshore Lome, Togo for further distribution to West African markets, mainly Nigeria. According to him, the quality of the said diesel was below the Nigerian standard in terms of flash and Sulphur levels. Ekpeyong disclosed that; even though the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) recently revised the standards of diesel importation into Nigeria in line with the Petroleum Industry Act, 2021, it has been incapable of enforcing compliance with the standards. The Senate then set up an ad-hoc committee, to launch an investigation into the continued importation of hazardous petroleum products, and dumping of substandard diesel into Nigeria. Ekpeyong stressed that the NMDPRA has continued to issue import licences for diesel and jet, despite sufficient local production capacity. The lawmakers expressed anger over what they described as sabotage and a clear failure of the objectives of the PIA. The Upper Chamber asserted that those found culpable in the illicit act must face the wrath of the law. Meanwhile, the President of the Senate, Sen. Godswill Akpabio, has corroborated views by other lawmakers, that the issues raised within the PIA should be reviewed, not as an act of witch-hunting anyone, but to set the records straight.The Adhoc committee to investigate the allegation, chaired by the Senate leader, has been given three weeks to report back to the house.


NIGERIAN TWEEPS DEMAND END TO APC RULE WITH #ENDAPCNOW The Nigerian netizens on X (formerly Twitter) have started calling for the total rejection of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the country’s political space. This agitation was trended via the hashtag #EndAPCNow, which already had over 16,000 engagements on X at the time of filing this report. The netizens criticised the current government of APC for the persistent hardship the citizens have been facing due to the economic policies implemented by President Bola Tinubu. According to them, the APC has displayed lack of competence in solving the country’s socio-economic challenges. An X user, Chinaza said, “IF NIGERIANS DON’T END APC, APC WILL END NIGERIANS.” It is not about tribe, religion, culture or whatever now, it’s about the betterment of our NIGERIA. Don’t be brainwashed, APC is an enemy of progress, and enemy of progress is our enemy. Therefore👇#ENDAPCNOW https://t.co/IZ4HQeNmLN pic.twitter.com/dUqccmLA77 — Chinaza Ⓜ️ (@MuchTalksBlog1) July 3, 2024 “Is not about tribe, religion, culture or whatever now, it’s about the betterment of our NIGERIA. Don’t be brainwashed, APC is an enemy of progress, and enemy of progress is our enemy. Therefore #ENDAPCNOW,” Chinaza added. Another X user, KardinalZ (@Mr_Xiety) wrote: “If Nigerians don’t kill APC, APC will kill Nigerians #EndAPCNow.” If Nigerians don’t kill APC, APC will kill Nigerians#EndAPCNow pic.twitter.com/ZPStueR4bi — KardinalZ ⓚ (@Mr_Xiety) July 2, 2024 Lord Salazar wrote: “Nigerians can’t afford to make common stew BCOS tomatoes are no longer affordable. Everyone is hungry, people are hopeless and living in squalor while these APC gluttons are wasting funds on frivolous things. #ENDAPCNOW #tinubuhasfailed.” Nigerians can’t afford to make common stew BCOS tomatoes are no longer affordable. Everyone is hungry, people are hopeless and living in squalor while these APC gluttons are wasting funds on frivolous things. #ENDAPCNOW #tinubuhasfailed pic.twitter.com/ZjAV6KZEG4 — Lord Salazar (@LordSalazar19) June 27, 2024 Emir Sirdam said, “In my opinion, any PROTEST that is not #EndAPCNow is a waste of time. “Nigerians get balls for once and face your MONSTERS! We are now comfortable with a dollar exchanging at 1500 Naira. If we don’t End APC, APC Will end us!” Dozie Ohaeri wrote: “People dying from hunger, terrorism, bad roads, no healthcare. Kenyans are out only for a fraction of what Nigerians suffer. They’ve shed their blood but yet remain consistent. Guess what’s more important, my festival is bigger than your hangout #OperationRescueNigeria #EndAPCNow.” People dying from hunger, terrorism, bad roads, no healthcare. Kenyans are out only for a fraction of what Nigerians suffer. They’ve shed their blood but yet remain consistent. Guess what’s more important, my festival is bigger than your hangout #OperationRescueNigeria #EndAPCNow https://t.co/um4EPT6Vhd — dozie ohaeri (@dozieohaeri) June 27, 2024 Darey wrote: “Nigerians are dying daily of hunger, Aso Rock cars got new tyres for 244Million Naira. #EndAPCNow.” #EndHungerNow Nigerians are dying daily of hunger, Aso Rock cars got new tyres for 244Million Naira.#EndAPCNow — Darey (@kunmydrey) June 26, 2024 Chuks_Collins wrote: “X knows how many times I have made this exact comment, we all know deep down that Apc and Tinubu can’t be unseated via Elections, the thing is Nigerians are not ready, when we’re ready we know what to do. Kenyans have shown us the blueprint. #EndAPCNow.” Xknows how many times I have made this exact comment, we all know deep down that Apc and Tinubu can’t be unseated via Elections, the thing is Nigerians are not ready, when we’re ready we know what to do. Kenyans have shown us the blueprint. #EndAPCNow https://t.co/myPoVzyRJn — Chuks_Collins▫️▪️ (@Chuks_Osonwa) July 3, 2024 Meanwhile, Nigeria has witnessed several public demonstrations and agitations against the administration of President Tinubu but none has been as impactful as the recent protests against the proposed Finance Bill in Kenya. For instance,…